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75 to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians result from stress-related disorders. (Paul Rosch, M.D., President, American Institute of Stress)... posted on Apr 24 2002, 1,155 reads


Later this month, watch as five planets - Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, and Mars - will all line up.
... posted on Apr 23 2002, 448 reads


... posted on Apr 22 2002, 689 reads


... posted on Apr 21 2002, 865 reads


The destruction of the Amazon rainforest could be irreversible within a decade, according to a US scientist. James Alcock, of Pennsylvania State University, says the forest could virtually disappear within half a century. ... posted on Apr 20 2002, 498 reads


What are vegetarian shoes, you might ask?... posted on Apr 19 2002, 700 reads


There is a word for the fear of the number 13: Triskadekaphobia

... posted on Apr 18 2002, 1,073 reads


Sunflowers have long been used to control weeds in field crops. They possess a property called allelopathy by which they produce natural plant toxins around their roots. (Source: NY Times)... posted on Apr 17 2002, 512 reads


Two-thirds of cancer deaths can be prevented by healthy lifestyle choices. The American Cancer Society suggests seven choices: cut out tobacco, hold the fat, opt for high-fiber fruits, vegetables and grains, intake of alcohol: only in moderation, call your doctor for regular checkups, exercise every day, and safeguard your skin from the sun. Source: American Cancer Society... posted on Apr 16 2002, 296 reads


... posted on Apr 15 2002, 2,022 reads


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One's action ought to come out of an achieved stillness: not to be a mere rushing on.
D.H. Lawrence

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